Time to consolidate your Physics studiesStart writing your post here. You can insert images and videos by clicking on the icons above. Time to consolidate your studies -Now the time has come to finalise the content of the course and make a system to follow up as per your tuition schedule.Arrange all the physics notes in one place modify day by day as per your requirement and keep it for last day preparation.Write a note for tedious physics numericals at the end of each physics chapter which one can through at the one day before the exam.still, you feel any problem talk to Kumar sir without any hesitation and if required to clear your doubts take a physics class.Kumar Physics classes-www.kumaneetrphysicsclasses.com9958461445https://kumarphysicsclasses.com
Start writing your post here. You can insert images and videos by clicking on the icons above. Time to consolidate your studies -Now the time has come to finalise the content of the course and make a system to follow up as per your tuition schedule.Arrange all the physics notes in one place modify day by day as per your requirement and keep it for last day preparation.Write a note for tedious physics numericals at the end of each physics chapter which one can through at the one day before the exam.still, you feel any problem talk to Kumar sir without any hesitation and if required to clear your doubts take a physics class.Kumar Physics classes-www.kumaneetrphysicsclasses.com9958461445https://kumarphysicsclasses.com